Christian Living
A Quest for More: Living for Something Bigger than You
$13.29Retail: $18.99Paul David Tripp expertly traverses the deepest recesses of the human heart and compassionately invites fellow Christian travelers to journey with him into God's bigger kingdom. Readers will be encouraged, excited, and motivated by hope as they learn...$13.29Retail: $18.99 -
A Bright Tomorrow: How to Face the Future Without Fear
$13.59Retail: $16.99Packed with biblical truth, A Bright Tomorrow addresses anxiety about an uncertain future by reminding readers of what they can be certain of—God's grace, his unshakeable promises, and the hope of resurrection. Jared Mellinger helps readers...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Blind Spots: What You Don't See Can Hurt You
$10.19Retail: $16.99ECPA Top Shelf Cover Award 2019We all know blind spots are dangerous when we're changing lanes at 70 mph on an interstate highway. But just as critical are the blind spots that block us from seeing the truth about ourselves and others. No one is immune...$10.19Retail: $16.99 -
CrossTalk: Where Life & Scripture Meet
$11.57Retail: $17.99In CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet,Michael R. Emlet gives you the tools to connect the Bible to your life and to the lives of your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. For readers unsatisfied with their ability to link passages to...$11.57Retail: $17.99 -
Get Real: Sharing Your Everyday Faith Every Day
$12.34Retail: $18.99Christians often make evangelism into an awkward experience. We host evangelism events and rehearse three-step plans, but we struggle to relate to non-Christians or to tell our own stories in an authentic way. Get Real calls us to live out what Christ...$12.34Retail: $18.99 -
Getting Jesus Wrong: Giving Up Spiritual Vitamins and Checklist Christianity
$18.99Jesus is not a life coach, a movement leader, a cultural visionary, or a blessing dispenser—but you might not know that by listening to many Christians talk about their faith. Feel-good slogans promote a caricatured Jesus made in our own image who...$18.99 -
Grandparenting with Grace: Living the Gospel with the Next Generation
$13.59Retail: $16.99Foreword by Josh Mulvihill, PHD In this practical and biblical resource for grandparents, Larry McCall helps readers confidently carry out their mission of gospel-focused grandparenting. Grandparenting with Grace explores how to build a legacy of a life...$13.59Retail: $16.99 -
Grief Undone: A Journey with God and Cancer
$21.99Foreword by Sinclair Ferguson Grief Undone is the breathtakingly honest, yet hopeful account of how Elizabeth (Libbie) and Al Groves walked with God through Al's terminal cancer. Their true story—saturated with in-the-moment Scriptural...$21.99 -
Grounded in Grace: Helping Kids Build Their Identity in Christ (eBook)
$16.99Grounded in Grace gives parents a guide to understanding how a child's identity is formed in today's world and why it leads to insecurity and confusion. Children and teens face a tremendous amount of pressure from their peers and culture to find their...$16.99 -
Hidden Agendas: Dropping the Masks that Keep Us Apart
$21.99We like to pretend that hidden agendas are just for self-important bosses or egotistical politicians, but we all have them. Deep down, we all have a secret plan for getting from where we are to where we want to be, even if we refuse to admit it to...$21.99 -
I Prayed and Nothing Changed: What God Is Up to in the Silence (eBook)
$11.19Ste Casey addresses the disappointment that comes when life seems to go from bad to worse despite our fervent prayers for change. When pain and disappointment shrink our world to the size of what's troubling us, we can easily miss what's right in front...$11.19 -
Laughter and Lament: The Radical Freedom of Joy and Sorrow
$11.76Retail: $16.99What do we do with the sadness and the joy that living in a broken world brings to our lives? Most try to avoid the tears and focus on finding happiness, but does that really work? Denial might help to alleviate pain for the short run, but eventually...$11.76Retail: $16.99 -
Like Father, Like Son: How Knowing God as Father Changes Men
$15.19Retail: $17.99If you don't know what it means to be a "real man," there are approximately 2,341 books waiting to enlighten you. But many of them will leave you burdened with a masculine to-do list, resigned to passivity in the face of impossible expectations, or...$15.19Retail: $17.99 -
Lost and Found: Losing Religion, Finding Grace
$16.99The "right" homeschooling philosophy. The "right" brand of theology. The "right" meal-planning, home-managing, keep-it-all-together parenting. Kendra Fletcher, homeschooling mom of eight, had it all "right," until it all fell apart. In the course of...$16.99 -
Making Sense of Forgiveness: Moving from Hurt toward Hope
$13.49Retail: $16.99Foreword by Rachael Denhollander Clichs, glib answers, and quick solutions are shared all too often with those who are struggling to forgive or embrace forgiveness. We know Jesus calls us to forgive, but it can be hard to know what that looks like in...$13.49Retail: $16.99 -
Mindscape: What to Think about Instead of Worrying
$15.80Retail: $21.00"No Worries?" We lob the phrase at others, but lie awake at night ourselves. Pandemics, the economy, our kids, our parents, our future. We struggle to pull our thoughts away from our worries, fears, and frustrations. When we get stuck, it's not exactly...$15.80Retail: $21.00 -
Moving On: Beyond Forgive and Forget
$11.39Retail: $18.99You have been deeply hurt by someone—wounded physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually by their actions. How do you move forward and walk out biblical forgiveness? And what makes forgiveness "biblical?" Ruth Ann Batstone, a child abuse survivor...$11.39Retail: $18.99 -
Navigating Destructive Relationships: 9 Steps toward Healing (eBook)
$9.87When you're in a destructive relationship, it can be difficult to identify what is happening and how to respond. It is normal to be disoriented by the chaos of a destructive relationship, but you do not have to remain passive in response to your loved...$9.87 -
Nothing Is Impossible with God: Reflections on Weakness, Faith, and Power
$13.19Retail: $18.99No one likes to feel weak. Just thinking about our inadequate resources can fill us with fear and hopelessness. But Rose Marie Miller has a different perspective. For her true weakness is a gift born out of a deep sense of need, it drives us to Christ...$13.19Retail: $18.99 -
Picture Perfect: When Life Doesn't Line Up
$19.99As a culture, we have a love-hate relationship with perfectionism. We reward perfectionists for their insistence on setting high standards and their tireless efforts to achieve them. But psychologists link perfectionism with a host of problematic...$19.99