Ask the Christian Counselor Series

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What‘s Included

  • Angry with God
  • Anxious about Decisions
  • Build a Stronger Marriage
  • I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis 
  • I Want to Escape

Angry with God

No one gets mad at God for something small. When we’re angry with God, it is because we’ve faced something immensely hard. Anger is an often-overlooked part of grieving, and as such, is an appropriate response to profoundly painful events. Counselor Brad Hambrick provides a guided process to being honest with God about your pain to restore and deepen your relationship with him. While we are often prone to interpret our anger about intense suffering as being at God, this book is an invitation to process these intense emotions with God as a source of comfort who is sturdy enough to support these turbulent emotions. 

If you are struggling with deep grief that is accompanied with anger and confusion, Angry with God will be profoundly helpful in your journey.  Hambrick will patiently walk you through the process of being honest with God (and others) about your pain. You will learn how to articulate your pain, alleviate the effects of this pain, contextualize your experience in light of the gospel, and begin to hope again. God is a good shepherd who is patient and willing to move at the pace of his sheep. God can be trusted in places that merit the name “the valley of the shadow of death.”  

Angry with God is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor that gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.


Anxious about Decisions

Do you get anxious when you have to make a decision? Do you overthink, overtalk, and overanalyze? When anxiety surrounds every decision, the result can be decision-making paralysis. Counselor Michael Gembola explores this common struggle and then points to the peace that comes from knowing God as your refuge and ever present help in trouble. Learning to trust God, even when the path is not clear, will give you courage to move forward one step at a time.  

When you’re faced with decisions both big and small, God offers you something better than certainty and the absence of risk. He promises to be with you. And when you allow the Good Shepherd to lead, you will find that he uses times of decision-making to make you more peaceful and become a better steward of the opportunities in front of you.  

Anxious about Decisions will help you learn to approach decisions more confidently with a conscience shaped by God’s Word and values shaped by God’s heart. Learn to undertake decisions in the context of the community of believers and your identity as God’s child. 

Anxious about Decisions is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor that gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.

Build a Stronger Marriage

All marriages face seasons of distress and frustration—times when thanks to a variety of factors you don’t feel as close as you once were. Bestselling author and longtime FamilyLife Today cohost Bob Lepine helps you work through the challenges that emerge in every marriage, causing couples to become isolated and alienated. He helps you make the adjustments necessary to build the kind of marriage God intends for you to have and encourages you back on the path to oneness.  

Lepine maps out this path to oneness by first helping you and your spouse uncover how your motivations and expectations about marriage, childhood hardship or family of origin issues, guilt, shame, or unaddressed relational wounds can impact a marriage relationship. Seeing marriage from God’s point of view is the path to oneness. You will be able to trade blame, dissatisfaction, and disappointment for a stronger, richer, and more rewarding relationship. Each chapter ends with a simple assignment that will help you get on and stay on the path to oneness. There is hope for your marriage! God is on this journey with you!  

Build a Stronger Marriage is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor that gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.

I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis 

A psychiatric diagnosis can be heavy burden—for you or someone you love. These struggles can be life-dominating. But we know this: God is not silent when his people struggle. What does God say? Experienced counselor and best-selling author, Edward T. Welch helps you answer that crucial question by exploring how God’s Word speaks in ways that can help you find wisdom, rest, and hope in Jesus, even with a psychiatric diagnosis.

What do you do when you recognize yourself or someone you love in descriptions like “OCD,” “bipolar disorder,” “borderline personality disorder”? The DSM can give you a detailed description, but what next? We listen to God and to his people.

I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis will guide readers in listening to God who has compassion for those who are struggling in these painful ways. Listening to God in the Bible reshapes psychological descriptions and functions as a corrective lens that opens our eyes. As you listen to Scripture and God’s people, you will understand the struggles of those with a psychiatric diagnosis better and will be able to receive and offer words of help and hope. Welch includes case studies on panic attacks, PTSD, depression, and narcissism to aid in practical application to your situation.

I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor that gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.

I Want to Escape

When life overwhelms, it’s natural to try to get away. Escape holds a powerful allure amid hard times. In every season, a myriad of pressures, challenges, regrets, and disappointments plague our lives. These trials and tribulations often provoke us to cry, “I’ve got to get outta here!”  

Even though we have many good reasons for trying to escape, as Christians, we have even better reasons to depend courageously on our Savior in the ups and downs of life. Pastor Rush Witt helps us learn to bravely run to Christ instead of running away.  

I Want to Escape explores the reasons why we so often want to run and offers hope-filled direction to experience Jesus’s grace and mercy to comfort us and lead us on a better path. You will learn to recognize the classic signs of escapism: denial, distraction, self-destruction, and thoughts of death and to instead take the path of courageous dependence on Jesus, who remains closer than a brother even when we’re ready to run. At the very center of Christian courage stands not a principle or a system, but a Person who intimately knows each one of us.  

I Want to Escape is part of the Ask the Christian Counselor series. This series walks readers through their deepest and most profound questions. Each question is unpacked by an experienced counselor that gives readers the tools to understand their struggle and how the gospel brings hope and healing to the problem they are facing.


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"Bigger than a minibook, smaller than regular, just the right size to give biblical answers to common counseling questions. This series is an affordable, much-needed resource for the church community—strugglers, pastors, counselors, and other helpers."
Barbara Miller Juliani, VP New Growth Press

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