Perdonar a los Demás: Cómo Tratar a Otros con la Sabiduría y el Amor (Forgiving Others)

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Perdonar a alguien que te ha herido es una de las tareas más difíciles que una persona puede enfrentar. Es más, es tan difícil que la mayoría de la gente la evita a toda costa. Pero cuando no perdonamos, pagamos el precio por la amargura que afecta todas nuestras relaciones. ¿Es posible perdonar una gran afrenta y tratar a los demás con compasión, a pesar de la forma en que nos han tratado?

Timothy S. Lane utiliza su propia experiencia personal, pastoral y como consejero, y explica que solo cuando entiendes el amor y el perdón de Dios, puedes perdonar a aquellos que te han herido profundamente. Lane aplica esta verdad explicando cómo poner en práctica el perdón en distintas situaciones, y cómo aplicar sabiamente el perdón en medio de circunstancias difíciles.

Timothy S. Lane, MDiv, DMin, is a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) with over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry, counseling, teaching, and executive leadership. He is the author of several minibooks and the coauthor of the books How People Change and Relationships: A Mess Worth Making and the curricula Change and Your Relationships, and Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands. Tim speaks internationally, consults with churches, and writes about the importance of pastoral care.
The Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) has been teaching people how to understand the wisdom and depth of the Bible and apply its grace-centered message to the problems of daily living since 1968. A biblical counseling and educational ministry located in suburban Philadelphia, CCEF operates a robust biblical counseling ministry in their home office as well as on-site training for others with a heart for discipleship. CCEF also teaches several accredited counseling programs both on-site and through distance learning in conjunction with Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. As an extension of the local church, CCEF accomplishes its mission through a unique synergy of counseling, training, publications, and conferences.
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