Minibook eBooks
What's Wrong with a Little Porn When You're Married? (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39You feel emotionally isolated and sexually disengaged from your spouse. Could it be that the fantasy world of pornography has intruded upon your real-life marriage? Nicholas Black of Harvest USA, a ministry for people struggling with sexual issues,...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
What's Wrong with a Little Porn When You're Single? (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39"I know porn is wrong for a married person, but I'm single. What can it hurt?" The accessibility of pornography through the Internet means that more singles are asking themselves if porn use really matters. But Nicholas Black of Harvest USA, a ministry...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When Bad Things Happen: Thoughtful Answers to Hard Questions (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Is a personal God really involved in our suffering? And if he is, what in the world is he up to? Why would a good God allow suffering in his world? William P. Smith addresses these and other hard questions by reflecting on what the Bible teaches about...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When Cancer Interrupts (eBook)
$5.11Retail: $6.39As a freedom-over-formula parenting book for moms, dads, and caregivers of all ages, Child Proof provides biblical insight and encouragement for readers who want to parent by faith. As an experienced counselor of children and families and an adoptive...$5.11Retail: $6.39 -
When Children Experience Trauma: Help for Parents and Caregivers (eBook)
$6.39When our children experience a traumatic event, we can feel powerless to help. We fear getting it wrong or reminding them of the hurt. Or we miss important cues that signal a child is in distress, leading us to address problematic behaviors with...$6.39 -
When Crisis Hits: Where to Turn When Life Falls Apart (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39When life falls apart, we feel deep confusion. Our emotions may shatter no matter how strong we have been. Our minds fill with unanswered and painful questions like the following: "Why me?" "What did I do to deserve this?" "Is there any hope for my...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When the Money Runs Out: Hope and Help for the Financially Stressed (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you might be feeling anger, discouragement, fear, or even panic. There are many reasons people struggle financially-job loss, unexpected expenses, poor decisions-but, whatever the reason, money troubles...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When to Get My Kid a Phone: Navigating the Tensions (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Determining when to get your child a smartphone is a complicated yet critical decision. Parents today are facing new challenges as technology and our children's access to it gives rise to new worries and concerns. Thoughtful parents wonder how to...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When Trouble Shows Up: Seeing God's Transforming Love (eBook)
$6.39Where is God in all this? Does he really love me? Perhaps you are asking questions like these in the midst of tough situations that come your way. You want to trust God's plan for your life, but when hardship intrudes, it is often difficult to believe...$6.39 -
When You Love an Addict: Wisdom and Direction (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Loving an addict is incredibly painful. Not only do you have to watch them make the same mistakes over and over again, but along the way they often lie to you, hurt you, and betray you. And yet, against all odds, you still love them and hope and pray...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When Your Child Is Ill: Nurturing Faith in Hard Times (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Walking with a child through health problems can be a frightening and painful process for both parents and their children, whether facing a sudden catastrophic diagnosis, a chronic condition, or even common childhood ailments. Children want to...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
When Your Kid's in Trouble: How to Intervene Constructively (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39The question was never whether or not your child would get into trouble. The real question was whether or not you would get the chance to respond. Right now you have that chance! William P. Smith explains that your child's trouble is a God-ordained...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
Who Does the Dishes? Decision Making in Marriage (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Who should pay the bills? Do the laundry? Work outside the home? Stay home with the kids? For many couples, answering these questions is difficult and frustrating. How do you decide which family responsibilities belong to you and which belong to your...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
Who Should I Date? Relationship Advice for the Real World (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Who should you date? You might be drawn to someone who is fun, good-looking, and interested in the same things you are, but even more important than what's on the surface is what someone is like inside. But how can you find that out? What should you...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
Why Do I Care? When Others' Approval Matters Too Much (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39It is difficult and sometimes frightening not to have the good opinion of others. No one likes to face the possibility of rejection, humiliation, or opposition. Yet, making our goal others' approval confines us to a small world where life consists of...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
Why Should I Pray? How God Shares His Heart with Us (eBook)
$5.32Have you ever felt discouraged about praying? Sometimes it feels like there are more reasons not to pray than to pray. Discouraging circumstances that haven't changed, long-standing requests that haven't been given a yes, boring prayer meetings the list...$5.32 -
Women and Lust: Exposed, Forgiven, and Embraced (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39Women who struggle with sexual lust often think they are alone. Most of the time when they hear others talk about problems with sexual addiction, they are referencing men. But women also struggle with these issues, and they also need encouragement to...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
Your Child Says, "I'm Gay" (eBook)
$6.39Four little words that will rock any parent's world: "I think I'm gay." If your child said this, you are probably experiencing a combination of shock, denial, anger, confusion, and uncertainty. Despite your shock you still want to respond well. What...$6.39 -
Your Dating Relationship and Your Sexual Past: How Much to Share (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39You are in a serious, committed dating relationship, and you are thinking about marriage. Or perhaps you are already engaged and are eagerly counting down the weeks until your wedding. But there's a weight in the back of your mind. You haven't shared...$5.32Retail: $6.39 -
Your Gay Child Says, "I Do" (eBook)
$5.32Retail: $6.39"We're getting married!" You expected to hear these words from your child, but you never dreamed you would be asked to bless a same-sex union. How should you respond when your gay child says, "I do"? This minibook from Harvest USA, a ministry for people...$5.32Retail: $6.39