Gospel Love, a ten-session small group resource, helps participants examine their relationships and learn how the gospel of Jesus Christ frees them to love others. Topics covered include barriers to loving others, how love is an expression of faith, the role of the Spirit in relationships, honesty vs. judging, and how to live with forgiveness and compassion. With user-friendly small group activities and questions rooted in Scripture, this small group study includes a leader's guide and is suitable for small groups and individual mentoring. Other books in series are Gospel Identity and Gospel Growth. These can be used as stand-alone products.
Serge means “joining together rough edges to form a smooth seam.” Serge (formerly World Harvest Mission) is a ministry that sees God weaving together the ragged parts of a fallen world with God’s goodness, making the tattered beautiful. This grace compels God’s people to go, to join their lives with the communities Serge serves around the world, as Christ makes all things new. This is grace at the fray. Serge’s work consists of sending and caring for missionaries, discipling people around the world, and developing resources—such Sonship and The Gospel-Centered Life—for spiritual growth.
Serge started as an extension of the missions’ outreach of New Life Presbyterian Church in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Jack Miller—the church’s founding pastor as well as an author and evangelist—brought local and regional church leaders together to serve in global ministry. After many informal missions trips to Ireland and Uganda, Serge was officially established in 1983. Today, Serge has more than 200 missionaries serving in 16 countries.
It was while doing cross-cultural, team-oriented ministry that Serge discovered how challenging it is to be grounded in a biblical identity as sons and daughters of God—even in the midst of missional work. So Serge leaders began developing teaching materials to show how the realities of the Gospel apply to our lives, work and relationships. Serge’s ongoing vision is to plant and equip churches that are empowered by grace for the world’s good and God’s glory.
Serge believes the motive and power for mission is the gospel of grace at work in the life of a believer, and this message is clear in each of their gospel-centered Christian books and small group resources for discipleship, missional ministry and biblical counseling.
"I love the series of small group resources, Gospel Identity, Gospel Growth, and Gospel Love. They are theologically rich, but not stuffy; practical, but not pragmatic. They are life-transforming resources that will be used to transform communities on mission with the gospel."
Scott Thomas, Pastor of Pastoral Development, The Journey Church
"This study is unique in that it works at the very heart of our faith. It is a marriage course, a discipleship course, and a Bible study, but it is so much more. It is all about getting the central passion of Christianity—the cross of Jesus Christ—at the center of your life. And not just your thinking life, but your doing and experiencing life. So it is good theology and good practice combined. If you get the cross right, then everything else works."
Paul Miller, Director of SeeJesus; author of A Praying Life
"Gospel Identity is a rich, interactive analysis of our deepest self in relation to the gospel. The lessons are weighty and deep because the writers have a panoramic and majestic view of the gospel. Complex gospel content is brought into focus through several helpful charts and diagrams, which are obviously the fruit of years of gospel counseling. This is not just gospel information; this is deep gospel application that is practical and specific, so that gospel encouragement translates into a lifestyle of witness and love. The participant is constantly encouraged toward gospel relationship with others, and each section leads into individual and group prayer. The issue is identity, but the study doesn't stop at introspection. Gospel renewal leads to sharing the radical news of our union with Christ by faith and caring for those around us."
John Smed, Director,Prayer Current Ministries
"This study brings a powerful experience of gospel truth and a personal relationship with Jesus and all those that he has placed in your life. Using biblical truths, written to open the eyes of all hearts to sins, and full of challenges by the Holy Spirit to change and grow, this is the study you need. User-friendly, even for a first-time leader, it is progressive, time-sensitive, and will invite the most timid participant into heart application. I highly recommend this to all who are committed to growing closer to God and being a gospel tool to help others."
Nancy Puryear, Women's ministry director (more than eleven years), Christ Community Church; cross-cultural counselor
"God used Jack Miller to help Christians, and pastors especially, to recover the gospel of Jesus Christ as the functional core of the Christian faith. Jack's famous line, 'Cheer up, you're worse off than you think,' re-opened the door to many of us with an invitation to drop the pretense of a good life and to admit and delight in our continuing, desperate need for Jesus. As a church planter and trainer of church planters, I have often wished for a concise series of Bible studies that would help churches to not only know this gospel of grace, but to experience it as well. That's precisely what this series of gospel studies offers. It is a great way to biblically and relationally ground Christians in the gospel of Jesus Christ and I heartily recommend it."
John F. Thomas, PhD, Director of Global Training, Redeemer City to City
"I'm probably the most 'religious' person you know. I make my living teaching religious students (in seminary) to be more religious, doing religious broadcasts, writing religious books, and preaching religious sermons. It's very easy to lose the 'main thing' about the Christian faith in a religious morass. These studies remind me that's it's all about Jesus and Jesus is all about the Good News (the gospel). They are refreshing, informative, and life changing. In fact, these studies are like a refreshing drink of cold, pure water to a thirsty man. Read and use these books from Serge and get out of the way as you listen to the laughter and relief of the redeemed."
Steve Brown, Key Life radio broadcaster; author of Three Free Sins: God Isn't Mad at You
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