Ministry Partners
Psalms: Real Prayers for Real Life
$17.38How long? Why is this happening? Where are you, God? For centuries, God's people have learned to go to God with their real questions, struggles, and everyday needs by reading and studying the Psalms. In this practical, gospel-rich small group study,...$17.38 -
PTSD: Healing for Bad Memories
$6.39The event occurred in the past, possibly many years ago, but you still carry it with you wherever you go. Some days the memory keeps replaying over and over again in your mind. You feel angry, jumpy, maybe even guilty or ashamed. You want to move on...$6.39 -
Raising Children with a Biblical Worldview on Sex and Sexuality Video Series Streaming
$71.59The Raising Children with a Biblical Worldview on Sex and Sexuality seminar consists of eight 30-minute videos taken from the larger God's Design for Sexuality in a Changing Culture series. Suitable for use in Sunday school or small groups, it includes...$71.59 -
Raising Sexually Healthy Kids
$6.39In an increasingly sexualized world, it's difficult to know how to teach your children about their sexuality in a godly way. On the one hand, you don't want to give the impression that sex is bad or make them feel ashamed of their bodies. But on the...$6.39 -
Real Change for Students: Becoming More Like Jesus in Everyday Life
$14.31Every honest Christian knows the need for change. But how to get there? How do young adults move forward from struggles both big and small? And how does our faith in God affect our everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions? In this six-session small...$14.31 -
Real Change: Becoming More Like Jesus in Everyday Life
$11.45Retail: $14.31Every honest Christian knows the need for change. But how to get there? How do you move forward from struggles both big and small? And how does our faith in God impact our everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions? This six-session small group resource...$11.45Retail: $14.31 -
Real Love: Better than Unconditional (eBook)
$6.39God's love is unconditional, right? Actually, God cares too much about us to be unconditional in his love for us. In Real Love: Better Than Unconditional? biblical counseling expert David Powlison explains that God's love is both different from and...$6.39 -
Reclaim Your Marriage: Grace for Wives Who Have Been Hurt by Pornography
$18.40When your husband struggles with pornography, your world is shattered. There are so many resources to help him, but what about you? Where can you go with your grief, insecurities, fear, and even anger? Jenny Solomon comes alongside hurting wives and...$18.40 -
Recovering from Child Abuse: Healing and Hope for Victims
$6.39The damage you suffered may have been done in one terrible moment or over time. But the healing and the restoration will unfold at your pace, at a human pace. It unfolds as part of your story, and it unfolds over time. As a vulnerable child, instead of...$6.39 -
Redeem Your Marriage: Hope for Husbands Who Have Hurt through Pornography
$18.40Foreword by Edward T. Welch As a husband, what can you do when you are caught in the prison of pornography use? It might be tempting to give up and give in, but there is hope for your struggle and there is hope for your marriage. You might feel weak,...$18.40 -
Redeeming Your Painful Past: Present Grace, Future Hope
$6.39Do you ever feel like your past is haunting you? Maybe it's a mistake you made that can't be made right or something that was done to you that can never be undone. You see the effects of it in your daily life, but struggle to know how to move forward...$6.39 -
Reformed Means Missional: Following Jesus into the World
$22.49Foreword by Christopher J. H. Wright Christians are not on a mission for God; his church is on his mission the mission of bringing the grace of Christ to sinners; the mission of bringing the whole world into obedience to Christ; and the mission of...$22.49 -
Relationships: A Mess Worth Making
$19.42Relationships are messy. In this deeply insightful book by Paul David Tripp and Timothy S. Lane, readers are presented with the power of grace to redeem and restore relationships. Through straightforward language, the authors walk through the relational...$19.42 -
Relief without Cutting: Taking Your Negative Feelings to God
$6.39People handle the hard things in life in all different ways. What do you do when you get upset? Cry? Blow-up? Get depressed? Or perhaps, no one notices when you're upset because you find a quiet place and cut yourself. You're looking for relief, but is...$6.39 -
Renewing Marital Intimacy: Closing the Gap Between You and Your Spouse
$6.39You started out telling each other everything. Time flew by when you were together. It all seemed so easy then. But now it seems like there's nothing to say. The intimacy and trust you once enjoyed are gone replaced by bickering, long silences, and...$6.39 -
Restoring Your Broken Marriage: Healing After Adultery
$6.39Anger...fear...despair...guilt...shame...when your marriage is broken by adultery, the core struggles of your heart are revealed. But although you and your spouse may be experiencing many of the same emotions, you are standing on opposite sides of a...$6.39 -
Reuniting after Military Deployment: Help for the Transition
$6.39Your excitement at the prospect of reunion is tempered with anxiety. You have heard the stories of divorce, discouragement, and depression. Will your account be any different? Rob Green assures you that successful reunification is possible because of...$6.39 -
Revelation: Hope in the Darkness
$17.38*Note: Please enjoy a complimentary ebook download of Unveiled Hope, also by Scotty Smith, with the purchase of Revelation. The ebook will automatically be added to your cart. When the difficulties of life suggest that evil and chaos reign, we need to...$17.38 -
Rid of My Disgrace: Small Group Discussion Guide
$13.90Retail: $17.38The statistics are jarring. One in four women and one in six men are or will be victims of sexual assault in their lifetime. But as sobering as the statistics are, they don't begin to speak to the darkness and grief experienced by these victims. Because...$13.90Retail: $17.38 -
Running on Empty: The Gospel for Women in Ministry
$22.49As women, ministry pushes us to moments of insufficiency, exposes our weaknesses, and tests our patience. Some days it feels like a little more sleep, a lot more coffee, and a pat on the back might sustain us. But down deep, we know these things can...$22.49