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Give God Your Worries helps children learn how God takes care of his creation and especially them and to remember 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
God takes care of birds, animals, the sun and rain. He takes care of everything in his world. And he takes care of us, too. But we can sometimes be anxious or nervous. Jesus wants us to remember he cares for us and we can cast—or throw—our worries on him.
In Give God Your Worries, Sally Michael helps parents, teachers, and caregivers to instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will of children as they learn a new Scripture. Each page shows pictures and asks questions to engage preschoolers in understanding the verse. Repetition of the verse throughout the book helps children memorize the Bible verse (ESV) after just a few readings. Also included are pointers for helping children memorize and suggestions for activities that will reinforce “Living by the Word.”
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