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Have you ever asked a middle-school kid you know what's up with "the gospel"? Can they explain what it is and why it matters to a kid? Or do they suspect that being good, listening to parents, and obeying rules is ultimately what God expects?
What's Up is a flexible middle-school curriculum workbook using illustrations, stories, and interactive activities to help kids understand why the gospel really is good news. What's Up answers the real questions of identity and purpose that begin to unfold in middle-school hearts and minds. Revealing God's love, forgiveness, and power to change, What's Up helps fourth through eighth-grade students understand that the gospel is all about God making us into who he meant us to be all along. As they learn how to lean wholly (and happily) on Jesus through these formative years, their lives are changed from the inside out.
The curriculum guides middle-school age students in discovering Jesus through fifteen 90-minute lessons that can be expanded to cover twenty-six weeks. The student guide offers age-appropriate activities, fun illustrations, questions to think about, and personal application activities for home. Teachers will find easy-to understand instructions and notes, helps and directions to make teaching the gospel to children clear and simple in the corresponding teacher guide. What's Up is easily adapted to a wide variety of group settings, including Sunday school, youth group, Christian school, and homeschool. The corresponding Teacher Guide offers easy-to-understand instructions and notes, helps, and directions to make teaching the gospel to children clear and simple. Requires little work outside of the classroom or teaching setting.
serge.org/">Serge is an international missions organization dedicated to sending and caring for missionaries, mentoring and training ministry leaders globally, and creating gospel-centered resources for personal and church renewal. They emphasize the transformative power of the gospel of grace in the believer's life, focusing on ongoing renewal and equipping leaders and believers for mission.
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