The Best News of All (5-Pack)

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The Best News of All helps preschoolers remember the angel's announcement to the shepherds in Luke 2:10Ð11: "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."

The birth of Jesus is truly the best news of all. The angel's good news of the arrival of the Savior told to the shepherds long ago is still good news for us all today. It's the reason why we celebrate Christmas each year!

In The Best News of All, Sally Michael helps parents to instruct the mind and engage the heart of their children as they learn Scripture. Each page shows pictures and asks questions to engage preschoolers in understanding the verse. Repetition of the verse throughout the book helps children memorize the Bible verse after just a few readings. Also included are pointers for helping children memorize and suggestions for activities that will reinforce "Living by the Word."

  • Christmas-themed edition of the Bible Verses to Remember
  • Bright, fun illustrations by Sengsavane Chounramany bring the angels' message to the shepherds to life.
  • Builds a foundation for memorizing Scripture and seeing God's work in salvation.
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